ISI DCU Karate Club

Grading Syllabus

Belt / Grade Kihon (Basics) Kata Kumite (Sparring)
Beginner (white) to 9th kyu (Orange)

9th Kyu (orange) to 8th Kyu (Red)
1. Oi Tsuki Jodan x 5
2. Oi Tsuki Chudan x 5
3. Gyaku Tsuki x 5
4. Age Uke x 5
5. Soto Uke x 5
6. Uchi Uke x 5
7. Gedan Barai x 5
8. Mae Geri x 5
9. Yoko Geri (in Kiba dachi) x 5
Kihon Kata (for orange belt)

Heian Shodan(for red belt)
Gohon Kumite
(5 step sparring)
5 times jodan punch
5 times age uke
5 time chudan punch
5 time soto uke
(couter with reverse punch on last defense)
8th kyu (red) to 7th kyu (yellow)
1. Oi Tsuki Jodan
2. Oi Tsuki Chudan
3. Gyaku Tsuki
4. Age Uke, gyaku tsuki
5. Soto Uke, gyaku tsuki
6. Uchi Uke, gyaku tsuki
7. Gedan Barai, gyaku tsuki
8. Shotu Uke, Nukite
9. Mae Geri (jodan and chudan)
10. Yoko Geri (in Kiba dachi)
11. Mawashi Geri
Heian Nidan
Sanbon Kumite
jodan punch, chudan punch and front kick
age uke, soto uke, gedan barai and counter reverse punch
jodan punch, chudan punch and front kick
age uke, uchi uke, gedan barai and counter jab punch and reverse punch
7th Kyu (yellow) to 6th kyu (green)
1 Sanbon Tsuki
2 Age uke, gyaku tsuki
3 Soto Uke, yoko empi,gyaku tsuki
4 Uchi Uke, gyaku tsuki
5 Gedan Barai, uraken uchi, gyaku tsuki
6 Shotu Uke, Nukite
7 Mae Geri
8 Yoko Geri (kiba dachi)
9 Mawashi Geri
Heian Sandan Kihon Ippon Kumite
(basic one step sparring)
Jodan punch, chudan punch, front kick
age uke-gyaku tsuki, soto uke-gyaku tsuki, gedan barai-uraken-gyaku tsuki
6th Kyu to 5th kyu

Purple 2
5th kyu to 4th kyu
1 Sanbon Tsuki
2 Age uke, gyaku tsuki
3 Soto Uke, yoko empi,uraken, gyaku tsuki
4 Uchi Uke, kizami tsuki, gyaku tsuki
5 Gedan Barai, uraken uchi, gyaku tsuki
6 Shotu Uke, Nukite
7 Mae Geri
8 Yoko Geri (kiba dachi)
9 Mawashi Geri
10 Ushiro Geri
Heian Yondan(1st Purple)

Heian Godan (2nd Purple)
Kihon Ippon Kumite
(basic one step sparring)
Jodan punch, chudan punch, front kick, side kick, roundhouse kick
age uke-gyaku tsuki, soto uke-gyaku tsuki, gedan barai-uraken-gyaku tsuki, soto uke-gyaku tsuki, uchi uke-gyaku tsuki
4th kyu to 3rd kyu

3rd kyu to 2nd kyu

2nd kyu to 1st kyu
1. Sanbon Tsuki x 5
2. Moving back:
- Age uke, gyaku tsuki
- Soto Uke, yoko empi,uraken uchi
- Uchi Uke, kizami tsuki, gyaku tsuki
- Gedan Barai, uraken uchi, gyaku tsuki
- shuto uke, kizami mae geri, nukite
3. Yoko Geri keage and kekmoi (Kiba D)
4. Mae Geri, Mawashi Geri
5. Mawashi Geri, Yoko Geri
6. Mae Geri, Kizami tsuki-gyaku tsuki
7. Yoko Geri, Uraken-gyaku tsuki
8. Mawashi Geri, Gyaku tsuki-uraken
9. Ushiro Geri, Gyaku tsuki
3rd Kyu:
Tekki Shodan
Heian 1 Ura
Heian 2 Ura

2nd Kyu:
Bassai Dai
Heian 3 Ura

1st Kyu:
Bassai Dai
Heian 4 Ura
Heian 5 Ura
Jiyu Ippon Kumite
(semi free sparring)

Jiyu Kumite
(free sparring)
  • There should be a minimum of 3 months training (approx 40 hours) between each belt.
  • Kihon - Techniques must be performed with proper timing, continuation and kime in front stance unless otherwise specified.
  • Kata - Must be performed without mistakes, showing good spirit, proper timing and correct kime.
  • Kumite - All techniques are performed using both left and right sides for attack and defense.
  • Defensive techniques must be shown to be effective before counter attacks are delivered.
  • Offensive techniques must be shown to be targeted properly.