Melmoth Meets The Student Union

Table of Contents.

  1. Introduction
  2. Class rep reports from Union Council
  3. Welfare Loans scheme
  4. Meet The Exec.

Survey of Incoming Students 97/98 - This is a Word document. I'm also including a small links section to various pages of other Student Organisations


I would very much like to emphasise the fact that any information contained on these pages is absolutely unofficial and 'though I believe it to be accurate, I cannot guarantee it to be so.

The incoming SU PRO made a pre-election promise of better public informations services for the DCU-SU. The SU, to be kind, has been a disaster in terms of PR, and as such this is one of the most, if not the most, important area for improvement in the coming year. One of the his ideas was to set up a Student (Union) Website upon which you can now find official info relating to both the SU and the SFC generally. this, if it goes ahead will be a most welcome advance.

My role in the SU is that of Class Rep. My class, and all the others, elect representatives for Union Coucnil, which is the decison making body of the SU. The Exec. are elected by direct sufferage and work in conjunction with Council.

The Union Council meets every two weeks, and as a rep for a computer literate (?) class, I have the advantage of being able to send out email reports of our dealings rather relying on a f2f method. There are several disadvantages in addressing the class in person, for example -

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Page last updated 3rd of August, '98.