Union Council 18-11-'97

Well, the latest class reps meeting took place tonight.

The main item on the agenda : The Canteen.

Every class rep, myself included, seem to get complaints about the canteen. As I may have mentioned before, the students have no say whatsoever in the running of the canteen. And yet, without us students there is no canteen.

We want to do something about this - try to establish some sort of control over prices, the range of food, and the quality of the food.

So, we are asking for your support for a BOYCOTT OF THE CANTEEN They won't listen to reasoned arguments etc. so IMHO, at least, a boycott is the best option.

I think that most people are in favour of a boycott, but there's one hitch. You won't get any advance notice of it.

I know that that sounds a bit harsh, but when we do boycott we want to hurt them as much as humanly possible, so we'll not be giving any warning. I know it's inconvienent not to know the night before but if they find out ahead of time, then they won't waste the food, won't turn on the ovens, and won't bring in the staff for the day.

Food wise, Megabytes, is run by the same company, so they'll probably have to be boycotted also. The Bar is o.k. though. Also there's Londis and the Chipper just across the road, and if we can organise it, we'll try to get a chippie van in as well

So, from now on, the only notice of the boycott that you'll get is me coming into class in the morning telling you that we are going to call the boycott, and asking for your support.

We really would like your support on this one, but, of course, you don't have to boycott the canteen, if you want to pass the picket on the day then that's fine as well.

Other Business:

We've elected a member of council (ie. a class rep ) to the SFC - The Student Finance Committee. This is the committee which oversees the funding of the SU, the SPC - which is the Societies and Publications Committee, giving monies to socs, and also the SCC - the Sports clubs committee.

As such it's important. We, the students, can elect two members to it. The workload isn't toooo bad, and if you have any Clubs or Socs committee experience you might like to run for one of the positions. So, if you're interested the posters are up around campus, or come and talk to me.

Welfare Week: Um, welfare week is coming up soon, there'll be posters etc. up around the college telling you that there will be sex talks in the canteen etc. If you want to get involved or want loadsa details ask our very own welfare officer, Mr. Hugh, when you see him in class.

Clubs and Socs officer. The executive part time position is up for grabs following the resignation of the last guy. If you have clubs and socs experience, and would like to become part of the SU exec - then get moving. But before you launch your campaign, remember that this is a very serious position, involving lots of work, and you'll have responsibility for the development of the new pitches, and you'll have a lot of work to do as regards the setting up of the new student centre etc.

Well, that's it from me for now. Any questions - mail me, or ask me in class.


BTW, for those of you who tend to shy away from lectures, RV has given us an extension on the Cobol until next Tuesday.

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