Conformations of a cyclohexane ============================== The geometry optimsation procedures in QM software involve *local* optimisation of the energy, not *global* optimisation. This allows us to investigate energy differences between different conformations. We are going to look at the difference in energy between conformations of 1,4-dichloro-cyclohexane. Create an initial structure --------------------------- Under Build/Insert/Fragment, choose share/avogadro/fragments/cyclic alkanes/cyclohexane.cml. Click :guilabel:`Insert Fragment`. Choose Edit/Select None to clear the selection. .. note:: Which conformation of cyclohexane is this? Choose the Draw Tool (|builder|), and change any hydrogen to a chlorine. Find the hydrogen atom on the opposite carbon that is on the same face of the ring, and change this also to chlorine. .. image:: _static/cyclohexane.png Optimize the geometry using MMFF94. .. note:: What parts of the structure change? Generate conformations interactively ------------------------------------ Click on the Auto Optimization Tool (|autoopt|) and choose :guilabel:`Start` to turn it on. (Make sure that it is using the MMFF94 forcefield.) Click on one of the chlorine atoms and drag it to change to another conformation. .. note:: How many conformations of this cyclohexane can you find? For each conformation: - use the Measure Tool (|measure|) to measure the chlorine-chlorine distance - use Extensions/Molecular Mechanics/Calculate Energy to find the MMFF94 energy - save each conformation to a CML file Turn off the Auto Optimization by clicking :guilabel:`Stop`. Calculate accurate energies --------------------------- Open the saved conformations one-by-one, and generate input files for GAMESS for a geometry optimisation at the HF/3-21G level of theory. Carry out the calculation for each conformation and note the energy. .. note:: Is the same trend in energies observed for MMFF94 and HF/3-21G? .. |autoopt| image:: _static/autoopt.png .. |builder| image:: _static/builder.png .. |measure| image:: _static/measure.png