Package part6

Interface Summary
Redundancy An interface that defines the basic behaviour of an object that can be used to add redundancy to a bit integer value.
RSATester An interface for classes to record and test RSA forgeries.

Class Summary
EGSignature A class used to represent an ElGamal signature.
RSAForge A class to forge some RSA signatures.
RSAPrivateKeyWithAppendix A class that implements an RSA private key that can be used for signature generation with a digital signature scheme with appendix.
RSAPrivateKeyWithRecovery A class that implements an RSA private key that can be used for signature generation with a digital signature scheme with message recovery.
RSAPublicKeyWithAppendix A class that implements an RSA public key that can be used for signature verification with a digital signature scheme with appendix.
RSAPublicKeyWithRecovery A class that implements an RSA public key that can be used for signature verification using a digital signature scheme with message recovery.
SimpleRedundancy A redundancy class that adds k 1-bits to an m-bit integer.
WeakRedundancy A weak redundancy class.