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Why should I join?
DCU MSWsoc is a society aimed at making your college life more enjoyable and giving you the chance to watch some screening of an excellent show, take part in murder mysteries and maybe even learn something about crime-solving. Quite simply, it's fun, doesn't take itself too seriously and is becoming one of the top ten societies in DCU. It's not expensive to join and it's a very entertaining diversion from the more boring aspects of college life. If you want to know more, talk to some of the people who've joined or come along to an event...

Who can join?
Any currently registered student of DCU can join the society. Membership is also open to previous students, graduates, and staff members of the university but costs more.

How much does it cost?

Joining DCU MSWsoc costs the same as joining any other club or society in DCU and the price is set by the Societies & Publications Committee (SPC). The price is currently four euro per year for current students, but higher for associates and staff members.

How do I join?

What a good question! You can join MSWsoc by attending any of our events and giving your 4 euro to one of the committee. You can also join at the Students' Union Information Point in the Hub, if you are a currently registered student. You will be asked for your four euro and your student card, which will be swiped to add you to our mailing list.

If you have any queries, concerns or problems, contact the committee at msw@redbrick.dcu.ie

  © dcu murder, she wrote society 2004 - 2005